Biblical Fiction

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  • Dr. Robert Wetmore outdoes himself in this third book of the trilogy, The Promise Series. The characters are real, likable, and you will be invested in their lives, rooting them on to do the right thing in the midst of a selfish and evil culture. Don't miss out on this book, and the whole series.

  • In the End of All Flesh, the second book in the trilogy, The Promise Series, Dr. Robert Wetmore again brings to life people from the Bible who we've read about, but now can experience a bit of their life and times. Once you finish this book, you will have to read the third in the series, The Tower.

  • This is book one of the trilogy, The Promise Series. Dr. Robert Wetmore portrays life before the fall realistically, bringing imagination and doctrine together. I cried when I read through the part where Adam and Eve fell. He brings the Bible to life so that we can experience what devastation occurred after the fall and beyond. Truly an amazing read!

  • What a fantastic Biblical Fiction Dr. Robert Wetmore has written! Everything from the Bible is accurate, and then Dr. Wetmore fills in imaginative details to make the characters come to life in a way that will keep you engaged and on the edge of your seat (even though you probably know the ending from the Bible)!

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