
THIS KIT CAN ONLY BE PURCHASED IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED THE MAIN KIT AND CD: 3K–God’s Hand in History: Renaissance and Reformation Lapbook Kit and CD by Carol Robb | Finding Christ Through Fiction

If you have purchased the CD or the CD/Lapbook kit from the Renaissance and Reformation Set, and would like to buy additional kits for your other children, then this is the item that you need.  It includes the  full kits with the Masters printed out to make your Lapbooks plus all of the additional supplies.  It does not have the Student/Teacher’s Manuals but you should already have them printed out from your CD or in your CD/Lapbook Kit.  It also does not come with Mono-Adhesive or Scor-tape.  You can find Adhesive Kits and Game Kits available under Lapbooking Resources.


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