
Do you ever wonder how God was involved in the Middle Ages?

Was He really a part of the persecution of so many martyrs?

How could these things have glorified God?

Carol Robb guides you through fun projects, games, and a museum mystery tour that examine the events and people of History from the resurrection of Christ to the late Middle Ages.  As you study this time period, you will see that God is sovereign over the difficult events of life. He uses many things, even tragedies, to bring people to Christ and to bring about His ultimate divine purposes.

Projects in Early Church & the Middle Ages

  • Timelines
  • God Uses Trials to Spread the Gospel
  • Fall of the Jewish Temple
  • Barbarians & Their Conquests
  • Legends of King Arthur
  • Missionaries for Christ
  • The Vikings
  • Knights & Their Quests

This Lapbook Kit and CD can be used as a supplement to any history curriculum.  The kit includes all of the projects printed out on colored card stock and paper, along with a student/teacher’s manual, and all additional supplies.  The CD is included in case you want to print out additional copies for your family.  Kits without the CD are also available for purchase.

You will need mono-adhesive and Scor-tape to put together the projects.  Look for our Adhesive kits and Game Kits  under our Lapbook Resources Tab.


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