A Cup of Cold Water: The Compassion of Nurse Edith Cavell by Christine Farenhorst

A Cup of Cold Water: The Compassion of Nurse Edith Cavell by Christine Farenhorst


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20th-Century Belgium, World War I
“A captivating introduction to Edith Cavell. Educational, inspiring, and full of gospel encouragement, A Cup of Cold Water is destined to be a family read-aloud favorite.”

—Tara & Matt Kingswood, Russell, ON

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From the Publisher:

“The secret password is yorc,” the princess whispered. Edith longed for her girlhood in England, when her secrets had been kept safe by her dog Reddie. But now in God’s timing, Edith is director of a nursing school in Belgium. Caught in the turmoil of World War I, Edith finds herself surrounded by enemy spies. As a nurse protected by the Red Cross, will Edith turn her back on the allied soldiers who desperately need her help?


About the Author

Christine Farenhorst, author and poet, has written Amazing Stories from Times Past, The Great Escape, Wings like a Dove,and Before My Mother’s Womb. Christine and her husband, Anco, have five children, nineteen grandchildren, a dog, and ten chickens.

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