
Product Description

By Gary Haugen, President of International Justice Mission

Young Girls Held Captive And The Daring Undercover Operation To Win Their Freedom

Out of shocking depravity emerges a story of hope.

In a small village outside Phnom Penh, children as young as five are bought and sold as sex slaves. Day after day their abuse continues, and their hope slips away. In Terrify No More an international team of investigators goes undercover to infiltrate this ring of brothels and gather evidence needed to free these girls. Meanwhile, skilled legal minds race the clock, working at the highest levels of U.S. and foreign governments to bring the perpetrators to justice. Headed up by former U.N. war-crimes investigator, Gary Haugen, the team perseveres against impossible obstacles—police corruption, death threats, and mission-thwarting tip-offs—in a mission focused on bringing freedom to the victims.


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