
From the Publisher:

One of the greatest things we can do for our children is to teach them God’s Word. The words we speak help build our children’s consciences, their understanding of God and their view of life and the world around them. Cleary, instruction in God’s Word is to be an integral part of a child’s daily life, and not something that is limited to a special half hour of the day or reserved for a formal fellowship. We desire to see our children grow to be strong, productive, resourceful, godly men and women. We need to instill in them attributes built upon and from the Word of God. May this collection help you make the most of the many opportunities you have to teach and correct your child using the Words of Life. And may your children grow and wax strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and with the grace of God upon them. May men be astonished at their understanding and believing–the unfeigned faith that first dwelt in you.

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