
Publisher’s Description

Kim Meeder has seen horses go where no one else can tread – stepping through the minefield of a broken child’s soul in a dance of trust that only God can understand. From a mistreated horse to an emotionally starved child and back again, a torrent of love washes away their barren places. Kim’s ranch is a place where this miracle happens over and over again. It is a place where the impossible flourishes, where dreams survive the inferno of reality – a place where hope rises.

Where Wounded Spirits Run Free

Follow a horse where no one else can tread, through the minefield of pain that surrounds a broken child’s soul. From a mistreated horse to an emotionally starved child and back again, a torrent of love revives their barren places.

In the presence of unconditional love, a mute girl speaks for the first time. A defiant teenager teaches a horse to trust again…and opens his own heart to love. A rescued horse gives a dying man his last wish. A battered girl finds love and protection in the friendship of a battered horse…

Come visit a place where the impossible flourishes, where dreams survive the inferno of reality—a place where hope rises.

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