Fiction Set Y: Youth/Teens

Fiction Set Y: Youth/Teens

$266.89 $100.00

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Check out these awesome books with limited quantity at a great discount. Don’t forget to use your coupon code freeship to get free shipping for this set.

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Don’t miss out on this great set of fiction books at a greatly discounted price. Retail for all of the books is $266.89. We have reduced it to $100.00. Use coupon freeship for this set of books to receive free shipping. We have only 1 set of these books listed together. There are no substitutions and no refunds. All the books are new and in excellent condition. 

Included sets and books are:

  • Oracles of Fire, set of 4 ($63.96)
  • Taken ($12.99)
  • Lady Carliss ($9.99)
  • Crown and Covenant Series, set of 3 ($32.99)
  • The Baker Family, set of 4 ($60.00)
  • Iceland Intrigue ($16.00)
  • Merlin’s Immortals, set of 3 ($28.99)
  • The Tethered World, set of 3 ($41.97)




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